Research Unit

Robotics and Advanced Technologies for Neuromotor Rehabilitation and Personalized Medicine - Roma, Centro S. Maria della Provvidenza

The primary objective of the Research Unit is to evaluate the efficacy and effectiveness of neuromotor rehabilitation by employing innovative robotic and technological systems.

This investigation is directed towards patients with neurological, orthopedic, and oncological conditions, with the overarching aim of integrating these approaches into clinical practice. The research endeavors to analyze the rehabilitative outcomes in light of the specific attributes of individual patients, aligning with the fundamental tenets of personalized medicine.

To achieve these goals, the Research Unit comprises:

  • a laboratory dedicated to the exploration of emerging innovative technologies;
  • a laboratory dedicated to the exploration of emerging innovative technologies;
  • a laboratory focusing on movement analysis and neurophysiology;
  • a laboratory specializing in molecular biology, clinical chemistry and nutrition.

Head of the research unit
Irene Giovanna Aprile - Publications