Research Unit

Pulmonary Rehabilitation Unit - Firenze

The research activity is mainly of clinical/translational type and aims at defining new rehabilitative contexts emerging from the progressive change of the characteristic of the population admitted to pulmonary rehabilitation (PR).

Our research, moreover, analyzes the implementation of innovative techniques in the evaluation of patients enrolled in PR. Our study, which evaluates the contribution of Forced Oscillation Technique in in the functional assessment of COPD patients, could contribute to clarify physiopathological mechanisms of the response to specific therapeutical interventions in PR.

Furthermore, our research tries to address the perpective of the personalization of PR in patients with COPD using the treatable trait (TT) approach. Interventions that target extrapulmonary and behavioral/lifestyle traits are key components of PR.

Head of the research unit
Francesco Gigliotti: fgigliotti@dongnocchi.it - Publications